Hacks: Your Score/1

General 0.3

  • Copy this noteboook into your personal fastpages
  • Answer all questions
    • put the question in a new markdown block (so we can grade faster)

Iteration 0.2 (can get up to 0.23)

  • Get to level 5
    • Take ScreenShots of your name inside the box an put them in your ticket
  • Create a code segment with iteration that does something cool

2D array 0.2 (can get up to 0.23)

  • Explain how the tic tac toe game works
  • Give 3 Examples of games that can be made from 2D arrays

List and Dictionaries 0.2 (can get up to 0.23)

  • Explain the differences between Lists and Dictionaries
  • Make a code block that manipulates either a list or a dictionary