Logical Operator

  • A logical operator is a symbol or word used to connect two or more expressions
isSaturday = True
isHoliday = False

if not isHoliday:
    print('please start to work')
    print('take time off, it is a holiday!')
please start to work


  • A seletion is a programming construct where a section of code is run only if a condition is met, it determines which path a program takes when it is running
hasGas = True
noGas = False

if not noGas:
    print('you have gas already')
    print('you need to fill your car up with gas')
you have gas already


  • An iteration is a loop and doing something again until a condition is met, like you put away your computer when you are finished with your work.
nums = [1,2,3,4,5]
b = []
for i in nums:
[1, 4]
[1, 4, 9]
[1, 4, 9, 16]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]


  • A substring is part of an existing string
greeting = ('what up everyone')
what up everyone

If statement

  • if proved true, performs a function
x = 5
y = 10

if (x > 0):
    print('x is greater than 0')
    print('x is less than 0')
x is greater than 0


  • a value that can change depending on the conditions
goalsScored = ('you have scored 10 goals')


  • lets you write and run code at the same time


  • series of characters (numbers, letters, etc), one example of a string is your name or your id because strings can contain both numbers and letters.
menu = ('mexican food')
print(f"your type of food today will be: {menu}")
your type of food today will be: mexican food


  • sequences of elements with each element being a variable. An example of a list can be the names of the students in this classroom.
nums = [1,2,3,45,55]
[1, 2, 3, 45, 55]

What is an algorithm?

  • An algorithm is a finite set of instruction that accomplish a task, it can be expressed by natural language, diagrams, and various other ways.
winter = True
summer = False

if not winter:
    print('its summertime')
    print('its winter')
its winter

Adding more vocab:

Square brackets

  • [lists and tuples go inside]:

For Loop

  • used for repeating a sequence


  • a set of data that describes and gives information about other data.


  • a coding system using the binary digits 0 and 1 to represent a letter, digit, or other character in a computer or other electronic device. Calculate numbers by using the tens place method.


  • A step in the data mining and data analysis process that takes raw data and transforms it into a format (HTML) that can be understood and analyzed by computers and machine learning.

Abstraction Process

  • Through the process of abstraction, a programmer hides all but the relevant data about an object in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.


  • Code that exits in the programming environment, but gets converted to something else when sent to the browser