import base64

text = "Y A S"
# my initials in base64
encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode(text.encode('utf-8'))

encoded_text = encoded_bytes.decode('utf-8')


# encodes the text "YAS" to base64 format
# its like 2 to the 6th power
# Divides 3 bytes into 6-bit groups
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_json("../datasets/prem.json")

     AC  AF  AR  AS  AST  AY      AwayTeam  B365A  B365D  B365H  ...   PSCH  \
0     4  12   0   6    3   1     Leicester   6.50   4.50   1.53  ...   1.49   
1    10   9   0  14    4   2      Man City   1.33   5.50  11.00  ...  11.75   
2     5  11   0  10    5   3       Burnley  15.00   6.50   1.25  ...   1.33   
3     9  19   0   8    6   3  Huddersfield   5.00   3.60   1.83  ...   1.79   
4     7  10   0   9    1   1         Stoke   5.75   3.80   1.70  ...   1.82   
..   ..  ..  ..  ..  ...  ..           ...    ...    ...    ...  ...    ...   
375   2  10   0   6    2   1       Chelsea   1.60   4.20   6.50  ...   4.85   
376  12  10   0  13    2   1      Man City   1.39   5.00   9.00  ...   6.32   
377   0   9   0   8    5   2         Stoke   4.20   3.79   1.90  ...   2.08   
378   4  13   0  16    9   2     Leicester   9.00   6.00   1.33  ...   1.38   
379   6  13   0  14    7   1       Everton   3.00   3.50   2.45  ...   2.35   

      PSD    PSH      Referee    VCA   VCD    VCH    WHA   WHD    WHH  
0    4.55   1.53       M Dean   6.50  4.50   1.53   6.00  4.20   1.53  
1    5.55  10.95     M Oliver   1.33  5.50  10.00   1.33  4.80  10.00  
2    6.30   1.26     C Pawson  15.00  6.25   1.25  13.00  5.50   1.25  
3    3.58   1.83       J Moss   5.00  3.60   1.83   5.00  3.30   1.80  
4    3.83   1.70  N Swarbrick   5.75  3.80   1.70   5.50  3.50   1.70  
..    ...    ...          ...    ...   ...    ...    ...   ...    ...  
375  4.22   5.96   M Atkinson   1.60  4.20   6.00   1.57  4.00   6.50  
376  5.11   8.06   A Marriner   1.44  5.00   7.50   1.40  4.50   8.50  
377  3.72   1.91     A Taylor   4.20  3.75   1.90   4.00  3.75   1.91  
378  5.95   1.33     C Pawson   9.50  5.75   1.33   9.00  6.00   1.30  
379  3.51   2.36      G Scott   3.10  3.50   2.40   3.10  3.30   2.40  

[380 rows x 65 columns]
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_json("../datasets/prem.json")

print(df[['HomeTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'AwayTeam', 'Referee']].to_string(index=False))

#df represents the data set
# Printing specific collumns
      HomeTeam  FTHG  FTAG       AwayTeam     Referee
       Arsenal     4     3      Leicester      M Dean
      Brighton     0     2       Man City    M Oliver
       Chelsea     2     3        Burnley    C Pawson
Crystal Palace     0     3   Huddersfield      J Moss
       Everton     1     0          Stoke N Swarbrick
   Southampton     0     0        Swansea     M Jones
       Watford     3     3      Liverpool    A Taylor
     West Brom     1     0    Bournemouth    R Madley
    Man United     4     0       West Ham  M Atkinson
     Newcastle     0     2      Tottenham  A Marriner
   Bournemouth     0     2        Watford      R East
       Burnley     0     1      West Brom  M Atkinson
     Leicester     2     0       Brighton   L Probert
     Liverpool     1     0 Crystal Palace    K Friend
   Southampton     3     2       West Ham     L Mason
         Stoke     1     0        Arsenal  A Marriner
       Swansea     0     4     Man United      J Moss
  Huddersfield     1     0      Newcastle    C Pawson
     Tottenham     1     2        Chelsea    A Taylor
      Man City     1     1        Everton    R Madley
   Bournemouth     1     2       Man City      M Dean
Crystal Palace     0     2        Swansea  A Marriner
  Huddersfield     0     0    Southampton   S Attwell
    Man United     2     0      Leicester    M Oliver
     Newcastle     3     0       West Ham N Swarbrick
       Watford     0     0       Brighton     G Scott
       Chelsea     2     0        Everton      J Moss
     Liverpool     4     0        Arsenal    C Pawson
     Tottenham     1     1        Burnley     L Mason
     West Brom     1     1          Stoke    A Taylor
       Arsenal     3     0    Bournemouth    A Taylor
      Brighton     3     1      West Brom  C Kavanagh
       Everton     0     3      Tottenham     G Scott
     Leicester     1     2        Chelsea     L Mason
      Man City     5     0      Liverpool      J Moss
   Southampton     0     2        Watford   L Probert
         Stoke     2     2     Man United N Swarbrick
       Burnley     1     0 Crystal Palace    M Oliver
       Swansea     0     1      Newcastle     M Jones
      West Ham     2     0   Huddersfield    K Friend
   Bournemouth     2     1       Brighton    C Pawson
Crystal Palace     0     1    Southampton    R Madley
  Huddersfield     1     1      Leicester      J Moss
     Liverpool     1     1        Burnley      R East
     Newcastle     2     1          Stoke   S Attwell
     Tottenham     0     0        Swansea      M Dean
       Watford     0     6       Man City    A Taylor
     West Brom     0     0       West Ham   P Tierney
       Chelsea     0     0        Arsenal    M Oliver
    Man United     4     0        Everton  A Marriner
       Burnley     0     0   Huddersfield  C Kavanagh
       Everton     2     1    Bournemouth  M Atkinson
     Leicester     2     3      Liverpool    A Taylor
      Man City     5     0 Crystal Palace N Swarbrick
   Southampton     0     1     Man United    C Pawson
         Stoke     0     4        Chelsea      M Dean
       Swansea     1     2        Watford     L Mason
      West Ham     2     3      Tottenham    M Oliver
      Brighton     1     0      Newcastle  A Marriner
       Arsenal     2     0      West Brom    R Madley
   Bournemouth     0     0      Leicester     G Scott
       Chelsea     0     1       Man City  M Atkinson
  Huddersfield     0     4      Tottenham N Swarbrick
    Man United     4     0 Crystal Palace      M Dean
         Stoke     2     1    Southampton     M Jones
     West Brom     2     2        Watford    M Oliver
      West Ham     1     0        Swansea      R East
       Arsenal     2     0       Brighton    K Friend
       Everton     0     1        Burnley      J Moss
     Newcastle     1     1      Liverpool    C Pawson
       Burnley     1     1       West Ham   S Attwell
Crystal Palace     2     1        Chelsea  A Marriner
     Liverpool     0     0     Man United  M Atkinson
      Man City     7     2          Stoke    C Pawson
       Swansea     2     0   Huddersfield   P Tierney
     Tottenham     1     0    Bournemouth    R Madley
       Watford     2     1        Arsenal N Swarbrick
      Brighton     1     1        Everton    M Oliver
   Southampton     2     2      Newcastle    K Friend
     Leicester     1     1      West Brom      M Dean
      West Ham     0     3       Brighton  M Atkinson
       Chelsea     4     2        Watford      J Moss
  Huddersfield     2     1     Man United     L Mason
      Man City     3     0        Burnley      R East
     Newcastle     1     0 Crystal Palace   S Attwell
   Southampton     1     0      West Brom     G Scott
         Stoke     1     2    Bournemouth   L Probert
       Swansea     1     2      Leicester    M Oliver
       Everton     2     5        Arsenal    C Pawson
     Tottenham     4     1      Liverpool  A Marriner
       Arsenal     2     1        Swansea     L Mason
   Bournemouth     0     1        Chelsea    C Pawson
Crystal Palace     2     2       West Ham    R Madley
     Liverpool     3     0   Huddersfield    K Friend
    Man United     1     0      Tottenham      J Moss
       Watford     0     1          Stoke    M Oliver
     West Brom     2     3       Man City     M Jones
      Brighton     1     1    Southampton N Swarbrick
     Leicester     2     0        Everton  A Marriner
       Burnley     1     0      Newcastle      M Dean
  Huddersfield     1     0      West Brom      R East
     Newcastle     0     1    Bournemouth   P Tierney
   Southampton     0     1        Burnley   L Probert
         Stoke     2     2      Leicester    R Madley
       Swansea     0     1       Brighton      M Dean
      West Ham     1     4      Liverpool N Swarbrick
       Chelsea     1     0     Man United    A Taylor
       Everton     3     2        Watford     G Scott
      Man City     3     1        Arsenal    M Oliver
     Tottenham     1     0 Crystal Palace    K Friend
       Arsenal     2     0      Tottenham      M Dean
   Bournemouth     4     0   Huddersfield   L Probert
       Burnley     2     0        Swansea  M Atkinson
Crystal Palace     2     2        Everton    A Taylor
     Leicester     0     2       Man City     G Scott
     Liverpool     3     0    Southampton     M Jones
    Man United     4     1      Newcastle    C Pawson
     West Brom     0     4        Chelsea      J Moss
       Watford     2     0       West Ham  A Marriner
      Brighton     2     2          Stoke     L Mason
      West Ham     1     1      Leicester  M Atkinson
Crystal Palace     2     1          Stoke      M Dean
     Liverpool     1     1        Chelsea    M Oliver
    Man United     1     0       Brighton N Swarbrick
     Newcastle     0     3        Watford  C Kavanagh
       Swansea     0     0    Bournemouth   S Attwell
     Tottenham     1     1      West Brom     M Jones
       Burnley     0     1        Arsenal     L Mason
  Huddersfield     1     2       Man City    C Pawson
   Southampton     4     1        Everton    K Friend
      Brighton     0     0 Crystal Palace  A Marriner
     Leicester     2     1      Tottenham    A Taylor
       Watford     2     4     Man United      J Moss
     West Brom     2     2      Newcastle   L Probert
       Arsenal     5     0   Huddersfield     G Scott
   Bournemouth     1     2        Burnley      R East
       Chelsea     1     0        Swansea N Swarbrick
       Everton     4     0       West Ham    M Oliver
      Man City     2     1    Southampton   P Tierney
         Stoke     0     3      Liverpool  M Atkinson
       Arsenal     1     3     Man United  A Marriner
      Brighton     1     5      Liverpool     G Scott
       Chelsea     3     1      Newcastle    K Friend
       Everton     2     0   Huddersfield  C Kavanagh
     Leicester     1     0        Burnley   P Tierney
         Stoke     2     1        Swansea    C Pawson
       Watford     1     1      Tottenham  M Atkinson
     West Brom     0     0 Crystal Palace    M Oliver
   Bournemouth     1     1    Southampton      J Moss
      Man City     2     1       West Ham      M Dean
       Burnley     1     0        Watford   L Probert
Crystal Palace     2     2    Bournemouth    K Friend
  Huddersfield     2     0       Brighton   S Attwell
     Newcastle     2     3      Leicester N Swarbrick
       Swansea     1     0      West Brom      M Dean
     Tottenham     5     1          Stoke      R East
      West Ham     1     0        Chelsea    A Taylor
     Liverpool     1     1        Everton    C Pawson
    Man United     1     2       Man City    M Oliver
   Southampton     1     1        Arsenal    R Madley
       Burnley     1     0          Stoke     M Jones
Crystal Palace     2     1        Watford     L Mason
  Huddersfield     1     3        Chelsea  A Marriner
     Liverpool     0     0      West Brom   P Tierney
    Man United     1     0    Bournemouth     G Scott
     Newcastle     0     1        Everton  M Atkinson
   Southampton     1     4      Leicester  C Kavanagh
       Swansea     0     4       Man City    A Taylor
     Tottenham     2     0       Brighton    R Madley
      West Ham     0     0        Arsenal      J Moss
       Arsenal     1     0      Newcastle   S Attwell
      Brighton     0     0        Burnley  C Kavanagh
       Chelsea     1     0    Southampton      R East
     Leicester     0     3 Crystal Palace  M Atkinson
      Man City     4     1      Tottenham    C Pawson
         Stoke     0     3       West Ham     G Scott
       Watford     1     4   Huddersfield    M Oliver
   Bournemouth     0     4      Liverpool  A Marriner
     West Brom     1     2     Man United    A Taylor
       Everton     3     1        Swansea      J Moss
       Arsenal     3     3      Liverpool  M Atkinson
      Brighton     1     0        Watford   P Tierney
       Burnley     0     3      Tottenham    M Oliver
       Everton     0     0        Chelsea    R Madley
     Leicester     2     2     Man United      J Moss
      Man City     4     0    Bournemouth     M Jones
   Southampton     1     1   Huddersfield   L Probert
         Stoke     3     1      West Brom N Swarbrick
       Swansea     1     1 Crystal Palace    C Pawson
      West Ham     2     3      Newcastle     L Mason
   Bournemouth     3     3       West Ham   S Attwell
       Chelsea     2     0       Brighton      M Dean
  Huddersfield     1     1          Stoke    A Taylor
     Liverpool     5     0        Swansea    K Friend
    Man United     2     2        Burnley  M Atkinson
     Tottenham     5     2    Southampton     G Scott
       Watford     2     1      Leicester  C Kavanagh
     West Brom     0     0        Everton      R East
     Newcastle     0     1       Man City  A Marriner
Crystal Palace     2     3        Arsenal    M Oliver
   Bournemouth     2     1        Everton   L Probert
       Chelsea     5     0          Stoke    K Friend
  Huddersfield     0     0        Burnley   P Tierney
     Liverpool     2     1      Leicester N Swarbrick
    Man United     0     0    Southampton    C Pawson
     Newcastle     0     0       Brighton    A Taylor
       Watford     1     2        Swansea  M Atkinson
Crystal Palace     0     0       Man City      J Moss
     West Brom     1     1        Arsenal      M Dean
      Brighton     2     2    Bournemouth    M Oliver
       Burnley     1     2      Liverpool      R East
       Everton     0     2     Man United  A Marriner
     Leicester     3     0   Huddersfield     G Scott
         Stoke     0     1      Newcastle  C Kavanagh
      Man City     3     1        Watford     L Mason
   Southampton     1     2 Crystal Palace   S Attwell
       Swansea     0     2      Tottenham    R Madley
      West Ham     2     1      West Brom     M Jones
       Arsenal     2     2        Chelsea    A Taylor
     Tottenham     1     1       West Ham      M Dean
       Chelsea     0     0      Leicester     M Jones
Crystal Palace     1     0        Burnley    M Oliver
  Huddersfield     1     4       West Ham      J Moss
     Newcastle     1     1        Swansea     G Scott
     Tottenham     4     0        Everton    C Pawson
       Watford     2     2    Southampton      R East
     West Brom     2     0       Brighton  M Atkinson
   Bournemouth     2     1        Arsenal    K Friend
     Liverpool     4     3       Man City  A Marriner
    Man United     3     0          Stoke    A Taylor
       Arsenal     4     1 Crystal Palace  C Kavanagh
      Brighton     0     4        Chelsea      J Moss
       Burnley     0     1     Man United      M Dean
       Everton     1     1      West Brom   S Attwell
     Leicester     2     0        Watford   L Probert
      Man City     3     1      Newcastle   P Tierney
         Stoke     2     0   Huddersfield    M Oliver
      West Ham     1     1    Bournemouth  M Atkinson
   Southampton     1     1      Tottenham    K Friend
       Swansea     1     0      Liverpool N Swarbrick
  Huddersfield     0     3      Liverpool    K Friend
       Swansea     3     1        Arsenal     L Mason
      West Ham     1     1 Crystal Palace N Swarbrick
       Chelsea     0     3    Bournemouth   L Probert
       Everton     2     1      Leicester  C Kavanagh
      Man City     3     0      West Brom    R Madley
     Newcastle     1     1        Burnley    S Hooper
   Southampton     1     1       Brighton      M Dean
         Stoke     0     0        Watford      J Moss
     Tottenham     2     0     Man United  A Marriner
       Arsenal     5     1        Everton N Swarbrick
   Bournemouth     2     1          Stoke   P Tierney
      Brighton     3     1       West Ham      R East
       Burnley     1     1       Man City  M Atkinson
     Leicester     1     1        Swansea    A Taylor
    Man United     2     0   Huddersfield   S Attwell
     West Brom     2     3    Southampton    M Oliver
Crystal Palace     1     1      Newcastle  A Marriner
     Liverpool     2     2      Tottenham      J Moss
       Watford     4     1        Chelsea      M Dean
       Everton     3     1 Crystal Palace      J Moss
      Man City     5     1      Leicester     M Jones
         Stoke     1     1       Brighton    R Madley
       Swansea     1     0        Burnley  A Marriner
     Tottenham     1     0        Arsenal    A Taylor
      West Ham     2     0        Watford     G Scott
  Huddersfield     4     1    Bournemouth    M Oliver
     Newcastle     1     0     Man United    C Pawson
   Southampton     0     2      Liverpool  M Atkinson
       Chelsea     3     0      West Brom     L Mason
   Bournemouth     2     2      Newcastle      R East
      Brighton     4     1        Swansea      M Dean
       Burnley     1     1    Southampton    R Madley
     Leicester     1     1          Stoke    M Oliver
     Liverpool     4     1       West Ham   S Attwell
       Watford     1     0        Everton    A Taylor
     West Brom     1     2   Huddersfield      J Moss
Crystal Palace     0     1      Tottenham    K Friend
    Man United     2     1        Chelsea  M Atkinson
       Arsenal     0     3       Man City  A Marriner
       Burnley     2     1        Everton  C Kavanagh
     Leicester     1     1    Bournemouth   L Probert
     Liverpool     2     0      Newcastle     G Scott
   Southampton     0     0          Stoke    A Taylor
       Swansea     4     1       West Ham  M Atkinson
     Tottenham     2     0   Huddersfield    K Friend
       Watford     1     0      West Brom   P Tierney
      Brighton     2     1        Arsenal   S Attwell
      Man City     1     0        Chelsea    M Oliver
Crystal Palace     2     3     Man United N Swarbrick
       Chelsea     2     1 Crystal Palace    A Taylor
       Everton     2     0       Brighton      R East
  Huddersfield     0     0        Swansea    M Oliver
    Man United     2     1      Liverpool    C Pawson
     Newcastle     3     0    Southampton  A Marriner
     West Brom     1     4      Leicester    R Madley
      West Ham     0     3        Burnley     L Mason
       Arsenal     3     0        Watford  M Atkinson
   Bournemouth     1     4      Tottenham      M Dean
         Stoke     0     2       Man City      J Moss
   Bournemouth     2     1      West Brom     G Scott
  Huddersfield     0     2 Crystal Palace      M Dean
     Liverpool     5     0        Watford    A Taylor
         Stoke     1     2        Everton  M Atkinson
      Brighton     0     2      Leicester  C Kavanagh
Crystal Palace     1     2      Liverpool N Swarbrick
       Everton     1     3       Man City   P Tierney
    Man United     2     0        Swansea    R Madley
     Newcastle     1     0   Huddersfield  M Atkinson
       Watford     2     2    Bournemouth  A Marriner
     West Brom     1     2        Burnley   L Probert
      West Ham     3     0    Southampton      J Moss
       Arsenal     3     0          Stoke    C Pawson
       Chelsea     1     3      Tottenham  A Marriner
   Bournemouth     2     2 Crystal Palace      J Moss
      Brighton     1     1   Huddersfield    A Taylor
       Everton     0     0      Liverpool    M Oliver
     Leicester     1     2      Newcastle   S Attwell
      Man City     2     3     Man United  M Atkinson
         Stoke     1     2      Tottenham     G Scott
       Watford     1     2        Burnley   P Tierney
     West Brom     1     1        Swansea      R East
       Arsenal     3     2    Southampton  A Marriner
       Chelsea     1     1       West Ham    K Friend
       Burnley     2     1      Leicester  M Atkinson
Crystal Palace     3     2       Brighton  A Marriner
  Huddersfield     1     0        Watford    C Pawson
     Liverpool     3     0    Bournemouth  C Kavanagh
   Southampton     2     3        Chelsea      M Dean
       Swansea     1     1        Everton     L Mason
     Tottenham     1     3       Man City      J Moss
    Man United     0     1      West Brom   P Tierney
     Newcastle     2     1        Arsenal    A Taylor
      West Ham     1     1          Stoke    M Oliver
      Brighton     1     1      Tottenham    K Friend
   Bournemouth     0     2     Man United     G Scott
       Burnley     1     2        Chelsea    R Madley
     Leicester     0     0    Southampton      R East
       Watford     0     0 Crystal Palace  C Kavanagh
     West Brom     2     2      Liverpool   S Attwell
       Arsenal     4     1       West Ham     L Mason
      Man City     5     0        Swansea    C Pawson
         Stoke     1     1        Burnley      M Dean
       Everton     1     0      Newcastle    R Madley
       Burnley     0     0       Brighton      R East
Crystal Palace     5     0      Leicester      M Dean
  Huddersfield     0     2        Everton   L Probert
     Liverpool     0     0          Stoke  A Marriner
     Newcastle     0     1      West Brom     D Coote
   Southampton     2     1    Bournemouth    A Taylor
       Swansea     0     1        Chelsea      J Moss
    Man United     2     1        Arsenal    K Friend
      West Ham     1     4       Man City N Swarbrick
     Tottenham     2     0        Watford    M Oliver
      Brighton     1     0     Man United    C Pawson
   Bournemouth     1     0        Swansea    K Friend
       Everton     1     1    Southampton      J Moss
     Leicester     0     2       West Ham  C Kavanagh
         Stoke     1     2 Crystal Palace  M Atkinson
       Watford     2     1      Newcastle      R East
     West Brom     1     0      Tottenham     M Jones
       Arsenal     5     0        Burnley  A Marriner
       Chelsea     1     0      Liverpool    A Taylor
      Man City     0     0   Huddersfield      M Dean
       Swansea     0     1    Southampton    M Oliver
       Chelsea     1     1   Huddersfield     L Mason
     Leicester     3     1        Arsenal     G Scott
      Man City     3     1       Brighton   P Tierney
     Tottenham     1     0      Newcastle N Swarbrick
      West Ham     0     0     Man United      J Moss
       Burnley     1     2    Bournemouth   P Tierney
Crystal Palace     2     0      West Brom      J Moss
  Huddersfield     0     1        Arsenal    M Oliver
     Liverpool     4     0       Brighton    K Friend
    Man United     1     0        Watford     L Mason
     Newcastle     3     0        Chelsea  M Atkinson
   Southampton     0     1       Man City  A Marriner
       Swansea     1     2          Stoke    A Taylor
     Tottenham     5     4      Leicester    C Pawson
      West Ham     3     1        Everton     G Scott
print(df[(df.HomeTeam == "Chelsea") | (df.AwayTeam == "Chelsea")])
     AC  AF  AR  AS  AST  AY        AwayTeam  B365A  B365D  B365H  ...  PSCH  \
2     5  11   0  10    5   3         Burnley  15.00   6.50   1.25  ...  1.33   
18    3  21   0   9    2   3         Chelsea   3.75   3.60   2.10  ...  2.16   
26    3   7   0   7    0   2         Everton   8.50   4.50   1.45  ...  1.53   
33    9   8   0  16    6   0         Chelsea   1.80   3.90   4.75  ...  5.00   
48    1  15   0  11    2   3         Arsenal   4.50   4.00   1.80  ...  1.77   
55    0  14   0   7    4   2         Chelsea   1.62   4.10   6.00  ...  6.65   
61    8  13   0  17    6   2        Man City   2.50   3.30   2.75  ...  2.77   
71    8   6   0  15    5   1         Chelsea   1.40   5.00   9.00  ...  7.65   
81    6  16   0  16    5   3         Watford  10.00   5.25   1.36  ...  1.37   
91    5   5   0  18    5   0         Chelsea   1.61   4.20   6.00  ...  6.20   
106   7  20   0  10    2   3      Man United   3.20   3.20   2.50  ...  2.62   
117   4  12   0  11    7   3         Chelsea   1.61   4.00   6.50  ...  6.92   
122   8   7   0  11    3   0         Chelsea   3.50   3.60   2.14  ...  2.21   
136   1   7   0   2    0   0         Swansea  17.00   8.00   1.18  ...  1.21   
142   4  13   0   8    2   1       Newcastle  15.00   6.50   1.25  ...  1.24   
156   3  10   0  19    2   1         Chelsea   1.50   4.50   7.50  ...  7.55   
162   3   4   0  12    5   0         Chelsea   1.44   4.50   9.00  ...  9.21   
172   4  16   0   6    2   3     Southampton   9.00   5.00   1.39  ...  1.40   
183   7   4   0  25    8   0         Chelsea   1.66   3.89   6.00  ...  7.16   
191   1   8   0   8    1   1        Brighton  17.00   7.50   1.19  ...  1.17   
201   0  10   0   1    1   1           Stoke  19.00   8.50   1.16  ...  1.15   
218   8  11   0  19    6   2         Chelsea   2.60   3.39   2.60  ...  3.32   
220   3  13   1  14    1   2       Leicester  12.00   5.75   1.30  ...  1.30   
231   3   5   0  14   10   0         Chelsea   1.61   3.89   6.50  ...  7.00   
243   5  12   0  11    5   0     Bournemouth  11.00   6.50   1.28  ...  1.37   
259   2   8   1   7    3   2         Chelsea   1.61   4.00   6.25  ...  6.95   
269   7  11   0   8    1   2       West Brom   8.00   4.75   1.36  ...  1.33   
278   4  12   0  14    7   2         Chelsea   3.50   3.25   2.29  ...  2.39   
288   2   9   0   3    0   1         Chelsea   6.00   4.20   1.61  ...  1.51   
290   3   9   0   9    2   2  Crystal Palace  12.00   5.75   1.30  ...  1.29   
313   5  11   0  12    7   1       Tottenham   3.10   3.29   2.29  ...  2.30   
323   6  11   0   5    2   1        West Ham  12.00   6.00   1.28  ...  1.31   
328   7  14   0  17    5   3         Chelsea   1.85   3.75   4.50  ...  4.81   
336   2  11   0  16    5   0         Chelsea   1.90   3.39   4.00  ...  4.58   
350   2   9   0  11    3   1         Chelsea   1.53   4.33   7.00  ...  7.80   
362   1   9   0  10    5   2       Liverpool   3.29   3.60   2.25  ...  2.24   
365   0  10   0   3    2   1    Huddersfield  19.00   8.50   1.16  ...  1.25   
375   2  10   0   6    2   1         Chelsea   1.60   4.20   6.50  ...  4.85   

      PSD   PSH      Referee    VCA   VCD   VCH    WHA   WHD   WHH  
2    6.30  1.26     C Pawson  15.00  6.25  1.25  13.00  5.50  1.25  
18   3.58  2.08     A Taylor   3.50  3.40  2.05   3.60  3.30  2.10  
26   4.55  1.47       J Moss   8.00  4.50  1.45   8.00  4.20  1.44  
33   3.83  4.73      L Mason   1.83  3.80  4.60   1.80  3.60  4.33  
48   4.02  1.81     M Oliver   4.50  4.00  1.80   4.50  3.50  1.80  
55   4.25  5.69       M Dean   1.62  4.10  5.75   1.62  3.60  6.00  
61   3.63  2.84   M Atkinson   2.45  3.50  2.80   2.50  3.30  2.80  
71   4.92  8.50   A Marriner   1.44  4.60  8.50   1.36  4.80  9.50  
81   5.08  1.40       J Moss   9.50  5.25  1.36   9.00  5.00  1.36  
91   4.29  5.59     C Pawson   1.65  4.30  5.40   1.62  4.20  5.50  
106  3.22  2.54     A Taylor   3.13  3.20  2.50   3.10  3.20  2.50  
117  4.09  6.46       J Moss   1.62  4.10  6.25   1.62  3.75  6.50  
122  3.68  2.12     M Oliver   3.50  3.60  2.15   3.60  3.30  2.15  
136  7.85  1.20  N Swarbrick  21.00  7.50  1.18  17.00  7.00  1.20  
142  6.45  1.26     K Friend  15.00  6.25  1.25  13.00  6.00  1.25  
156  4.67  7.45     A Taylor   1.50  4.60  7.50   1.50  4.00  7.00  
162  4.68  8.36   A Marriner   1.45  4.60  8.50   1.40  4.60  9.00  
172  5.10  1.41       R East  10.00  5.00  1.36   9.00  5.00  1.36  
183  3.98  5.96     R Madley   1.65  3.90  6.25   1.67  3.80  5.50  
191  7.25  1.21       M Dean  20.00  7.00  1.20  15.00  7.00  1.20  
201  8.01  1.18     K Friend  17.00  7.50  1.18  17.00  7.00  1.17  
218  3.51  2.80     A Taylor   2.63  3.50  2.75   2.70  3.30  2.70  
220  5.95  1.30      M Jones  12.00  6.00  1.29  11.00  5.50  1.30  
231  3.90  6.33       J Moss   1.62  3.90  6.50   1.62  3.75  6.50  
243  6.14  1.30    L Probert  12.00  6.00  1.29  11.00  6.00  1.29  
259  4.05  6.15       M Dean   1.62  4.00  6.00   1.62  4.00  6.00  
269  5.10  1.40      L Mason   9.50  5.00  1.36   9.00  5.00  1.33  
278  3.30  2.30   M Atkinson   3.40  3.30  2.30   3.30  3.10  2.30  
288  4.35  1.60     M Oliver   6.00  4.30  1.60   6.00  4.00  1.62  
290  6.00  1.30     A Taylor  13.00  5.75  1.29  11.00  5.50  1.30  
313  3.40  2.43   A Marriner   3.13  3.40  2.40   3.10  3.20  2.30  
323  6.34  1.28     K Friend  12.00  6.00  1.29  12.00  5.50  1.29  
328  3.74  4.48       M Dean   1.85  3.70  4.75   1.83  3.60  4.50  
336  3.55  4.64     R Madley   1.87  3.50  4.75   1.91  3.40  4.33  
350  4.50  7.49       J Moss   1.50  4.33  7.50   1.53  4.00  7.00  
362  3.66  2.29     A Taylor   3.25  3.60  2.25   3.40  3.30  2.25  
365  7.77  1.19      L Mason  19.00  7.00  1.20  17.00  8.00  1.17  
375  4.22  5.96   M Atkinson   1.60  4.20  6.00   1.57  4.00  6.50  

[38 rows x 65 columns]
chelsea_homesgames = df.loc[(df.HomeTeam == "Chelsea"), ['HomeTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'AwayTeam', ]]
chelsea_awaygames = df.loc[(df.AwayTeam == "Chelsea"), ['HomeTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'AwayTeam',]]

HomeTeam  FTHG  FTAG       AwayTeam
 Chelsea     2     3        Burnley
 Chelsea     2     0        Everton
 Chelsea     0     0        Arsenal
 Chelsea     0     1       Man City
 Chelsea     4     2        Watford
 Chelsea     1     0     Man United
 Chelsea     1     0        Swansea
 Chelsea     3     1      Newcastle
 Chelsea     1     0    Southampton
 Chelsea     2     0       Brighton
 Chelsea     5     0          Stoke
 Chelsea     0     0      Leicester
 Chelsea     0     3    Bournemouth
 Chelsea     3     0      West Brom
 Chelsea     2     1 Crystal Palace
 Chelsea     1     3      Tottenham
 Chelsea     1     1       West Ham
 Chelsea     1     0      Liverpool
 Chelsea     1     1   Huddersfield
      HomeTeam  FTHG  FTAG AwayTeam
     Tottenham     1     2  Chelsea
     Leicester     1     2  Chelsea
         Stoke     0     4  Chelsea
Crystal Palace     2     1  Chelsea
   Bournemouth     0     1  Chelsea
     West Brom     0     4  Chelsea
     Liverpool     1     1  Chelsea
      West Ham     1     0  Chelsea
  Huddersfield     1     3  Chelsea
       Everton     0     0  Chelsea
       Arsenal     2     2  Chelsea
      Brighton     0     4  Chelsea
       Watford     4     1  Chelsea
    Man United     2     1  Chelsea
      Man City     1     0  Chelsea
   Southampton     2     3  Chelsea
       Burnley     1     2  Chelsea
       Swansea     0     1  Chelsea
     Newcastle     3     0  Chelsea
chelsea_home_wins = chelsea_homesgames.loc[chelsea_homesgames.FTHG > chelsea_homesgames.FTAG]
print(chelsea_home_wins.to_string (index=False))
HomeTeam  FTHG  FTAG       AwayTeam
 Chelsea     2     0        Everton
 Chelsea     4     2        Watford
 Chelsea     1     0     Man United
 Chelsea     1     0        Swansea
 Chelsea     3     1      Newcastle
 Chelsea     1     0    Southampton
 Chelsea     2     0       Brighton
 Chelsea     5     0          Stoke
 Chelsea     3     0      West Brom
 Chelsea     2     1 Crystal Palace
 Chelsea     1     0      Liverpool
chelsea_away_wins = chelsea_awaygames.loc[chelsea_awaygames.FTAG > chelsea_awaygames.FTHG]
print(chelsea_away_wins.to_string (index=False))
    HomeTeam  FTHG  FTAG AwayTeam
   Tottenham     1     2  Chelsea
   Leicester     1     2  Chelsea
       Stoke     0     4  Chelsea
 Bournemouth     0     1  Chelsea
   West Brom     0     4  Chelsea
Huddersfield     1     3  Chelsea
    Brighton     0     4  Chelsea
 Southampton     2     3  Chelsea
     Burnley     1     2  Chelsea
     Swansea     0     1  Chelsea
chelsea_homesgames = df.loc[(df.HomeTeam == "Chelsea"), ['HomeTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'AwayTeam', ]]
chelsea_awaygames = df.loc[(df.AwayTeam == "Chelsea"), ['HomeTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'AwayTeam',]]

chelsea_away_losses = chelsea_awaygames.loc[chelsea_awaygames.FTAG < chelsea_awaygames.FTHG]
print(chelsea_away_losses.to_string (index=False))
      HomeTeam  FTHG  FTAG AwayTeam
Crystal Palace     2     1  Chelsea
      West Ham     1     0  Chelsea
       Watford     4     1  Chelsea
    Man United     2     1  Chelsea
      Man City     1     0  Chelsea
     Newcastle     3     0  Chelsea
chelsea_homesgames = df.loc[(df.HomeTeam == "Chelsea"), ['HomeTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'AwayTeam', ]]
chelsea_awaygames = df.loc[(df.HomeTeam == "Chelsea"), ['HomeTeam', 'FTHG', 'FTAG', 'AwayTeam', ]]

chelsea_home_ties = chelsea_homesgames.loc[chelsea_homesgames.FTHG == chelsea_homesgames.FTAG]
chelsea_away_losses = chelsea_awaygames.loc[chelsea_awaygames.FTAG > chelsea_awaygames.FTHG]

print(chelsea_home_ties.to_string (index=False), chelsea_away_losses.to_string (index=False))
HomeTeam  FTHG  FTAG     AwayTeam
 Chelsea     0     0      Arsenal
 Chelsea     0     0    Leicester
 Chelsea     1     1     West Ham
 Chelsea     1     1 Huddersfield HomeTeam  FTHG  FTAG    AwayTeam
 Chelsea     2     3     Burnley
 Chelsea     0     1    Man City
 Chelsea     0     3 Bournemouth
 Chelsea     1     3   Tottenham