My Experiences

Overall my time spent during night at the museum was productive because I got to see what other groups presented for their finals. A lot of them were creative and unique which gave me a different perspective on our own project. I also asked people, specifically DevOps people, questions about what they did differently to help their project. I also socialzed with some of my friends from the other computer science teacher's class. Overall it was a great experience and I was suprised to see so many parents and guests in the room walking around looking at our work also.

As for my own group, I felt I fulfilled my role to the best of my ability. I got everything done that the DevOps needed to do. Next trimester would be better if I was more interactive on our project and constantly committing important changes. The hardest concept for me to learn was deployment but with the help of visuals I understood and learned more about it.

I am excited for next trimester in Mr. Mortenson's class as I hope to learn as much as possible and use that knowledge to help me in the future.